Takeover of the operation of an existing photovoltaic system (rooftop and façade)

In Cologne, VOLTARO has taken over the operation of an existing rooftop photovoltaic system, a façade photovoltaic concept, as well as battery storage and e-mobility solutions at a student residence, which now ensure a comprehensive and sustainable energy supply for the building.

Takeover of the operation of an existing photovoltaic system (rooftop and façade)


51 %

Annual CO2 savings (t/year)

Solar power generation (kWh/year)

Direct consumption in the building

Size of photovoltaic system (kWp)



After taking over operation of the project, the photovoltaic systems, which cover 216 kWp on the roof and 1,137 square meters on the façades, generate sustainable solar power for the building and tenants. The annual electricity production amounts to 184,000 kWh. This self-generated PV electricity is stored in four batteries and used both in the building and to charge electric cars. As a result, VOLTARO covers 51% of its energy consumption with self-generated solar power. All system components have been seamlessly integrated into the existing building management system. The façade photovoltaics are particularly innovative and, thanks to their insulating properties, contribute to achieving the KfW 45 standard in the building.

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Installed technologies


Battery storage


The façade PV is particularly innovative, as its insulating properties also make it possible to achieve a KfW 45 standard in the building.

Scope of Work

Portfolio analysis

VOLTARO analyzed the solar potential of the building/portfolio free of charge.

System operation

VOLTARO maps the system operation for the owner without any effort and takes over all reporting obligations, etc.

Solar power supply

The tenants and the building itself benefit from green & cost-effective electricity.

"With VOLTARO, we have a reliable partner who keeps the effort out of operations and ensures that we and our tenants simply benefit from sustainable solar power."

Lambros Reppas

‍ManagingDirector Head of Asset Management Micro Living & Residential

CORESTATE Capital Group GmbH

What is the potential of your buildings?

We would be happy to advise you personally in advance in a non-binding initial consultation. You will then receive a free and detailed potential analysis of the possible energy generation, CO2 savings and cost-effectiveness of your entire building portfolio with solar.

Christian Vanvolsem

Christian Vanvolsem
Account Executive & Partner Management