80 %
Annual CO2 savings (t/year)
Solar power generation (kWh/year)
Direct consumption in the building
Size of photovoltaic system (kWp)

The project in Berlin comprises the installation of a photovoltaic system with a total output of 156 kWp, which will save around 47 tons of CO2 per year. One of the challenges of this project was adapting it to the specific conditions of the property, including installation on different types of roof, a gravel roof and a trapezoidal sheet metal roof, as well as the technically complex routing of the system components down through seven storeys.

Installed technologies
Special features of this project were the different roof types and a technically complex descent.
Scope of Work
Feasibility check
A comprehensive feasibility study was carried out with an on-site inspection.
Portfolio analysis
VOLTARO analyzed the solar potential of the building/portfolio free of charge.
Project planning
The photovoltaic project was planned in detail by our project managers.